The book promises many things, amongst one which gives one insights on Vintage Viagra forms.

The Mawangdui medicial manuscripts (200-300ac) talked about drinking wasps. Dr Leonardo Fioravanti La Cirugia (Venice 1570) mentioned chestnuts and pistachios as really perk-ups that helps.
The weirdest was the one by Smarakridalaksana (The Art of Love Play - Bali, 19th century). This is how it goes...
"Obtain the penis of a wild boar, then roast it until it's done.
Eat it with galangal, garlic, seven black pepper corns and sea salt.

Om, I become the God of love, with a penis like the penis of a boar.
My penis is vigorous, entering the pure hole of a virgin woman.
If the boar's penis is defeated by earth, my penis will be sexually defeated by her vagina in sex.
If the boar's penis is not defeated by earth, my penis will not be defeated by her vagina.
It is untiring, it is untiring, it is untiring.
Then, after eating the roast boar's penis, drink aged rice wine until you are drunk".

This will give her a great experience which she will greatly appreicate".
Woah.. what a book... of course I know some of people will say "WTF... only an idiot will waste time reading such nonsense". Me.. I am just that idiot who likes all things unconventional and unorthodox... I am going to borrow this book from my friend the minute he is done with it...Can't wait.
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