I was wanting to make a Yam Cake (Woo Tau Koh) for the longest time and most of the recipe books that I owned had recipes which uses alkali water. What the heck is that ... especially to a non-cook like myself. I am not sure whether I could find it in any supermarkets.. I tried at Jusco and Giant..but I could not find it. My mom said that I can get it at the chinese sundry shops.
No need for that now coz I was so lucky to have stumbled upon
Lily's Wai Sek Hong of Hearth and Home's blog. Wow.. she has great recipes there and I actually found her
Taro Cake - Woo Tau Koh recipe just to my liking.
Got all my ingredients and followed her recipe to a letter. And this is what I got....
I ate mine with a little bit of the Kampong Koh Chillie Sauce at the background
Ate some, and gave some to my friends.. including JW and Babe. I hope they liked it.Once again Lily...thank you for your wonderful recipe...hugz!!
Technorati Tags:food, taro cake, yam cake, woo tao koh
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It was yummy... thanks alot...
Make again.. this time i will come take.
haha.. i want to try to make kueh talam and hopefully this time they can stand upright..last time, have to eat them with a spoon :D
thanks so much!!! you really saved me from otherwise a very boring lunch. read this Today's Lunch LOL
haha.. there were no hawkers outside on our street today coz the bandaraya truck was parked right there :(
Nice yam cake there...... can I have the whole bowl?
Hi Kenny..opps.. a little too late for the whole bowl...have given some away and have eaten up the rest :p...next time ah??
Wow...looks good enuff to sell already oh, Y! I like woo tau kou too!!! Not sure whether Superhero W knows what's that though..hehe..:p
When are you making the next round? Make a little bit more, k..hehe..we'll fly over to tapau from u! *thick skin!*
Superhero S, I think you will have no problem making it too lah.. looking at what a Supercook you're turning out to be :D. I just look at recipe and "follow like cow" heehee
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