Last Saturday, after going out almost the entire day, I finally managed to make it home at about 10:30pm. I wanted to make a batch of cookies for my friend to bring to his brother the next day. Mmm..luckily I remembered that I have a bag of preMix in the kitchen cabinet... Betty Crocker's Chocolate Chips.
All I needed was a stick of butter (haha..that was easy coz I checked this the last time after talking to babe_kl). A stick of butter is roughly 125gm, which is half a block of a 227gm of Anchor butter. Plus 1 egg and I am ready to go.
Followed the instructions to the T (which was only 3 lines heehee). It saids, "Beat-Drop-Bake" and it was really as easy as that. This is definitely a must try for my friend Superhero S of A Tale of Two Superheroes. But as I am rather a Nut(ty) person, I added a whole bag of strips into the cookie mixture.
I had to bake the cookies in about 4 batches as my oven was very small (at 180C coz the pack did not specify oven heat... or maybe eyes blur.. missed out that little instruction).
By the time I finished, it was only slightly past midnite. Not bad wor.. haha.. I mean the time taken to do it. Plus the cookie tasted quite yummy.. in fact much nicer than one recipe which I did (which turned out to be a mite too sweet). My conclusion... preMixes are great too.. especially if you are short of time and have insufficient cooking utensils :)
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4 comments: this is MUCH easier. But Y, do u mind explaining to me the purpose of the oily stains on the baking paper? Isit from the yet-to-be-baked cookies or did you put it intentionally?? Sorry for sounding a bit "pak chi"..haha..because I'm really blur when it comes to baking! :p
oh.. i miss yr cookies la...rather i miss being one of your tester. BTW.. my parens made the fry yam thing.. if u free maybe we can meet on fri .. give me a buzz... i probably be at 1U or the curve with li sha.
send me one lar!!!
twosuperheroes : the stains came from the 1st batch of cookies..i recycled the baking paper :p...the stains are from the butter
jw : ooo..don't worry..we can always meet up for dinner..maybe with ken. Will sms you if I am around those places yeah!
kljs : come to kl lah..then i give you 1 jar
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