Hi everybody.. wow.. how the time has flown by.. just like that. Some of you.. haha.. maybe just a few only lah were probably wondering what has happened to yours truly here.. especially after the earlier posts about my mum not being well and having needed hospitalization and all.
Yeah, it was true that she had spent some time recuperating in the hospital but at the same time, I have also signed myself up for an Entrepreneurs development program for 2 weeks. The two weeks have been a really super fast ride for me. I must agree that I have really put in my 100% effort in this program. Not only did I meet some very special people, who I will remember and keep close in my mind and in my heart for a long time, but I also met some entrepreneurs who might just be my ticket to really making enough money to really have the lifestyle that I have always dreamed of having, to have the money to buy everything I want, to go off for a long holiday and coming back with money still flowing into the bank... and this is not going to be just a dream.. it is real :)
Not only that, I am also RM1,000 richer after the weekend, after winning the Ultimate Winning Team Award (prize of more than RM3,000 which was shared amongst the team) and also the individual price of RM500 from the consultants for being a great leader... heehee...this will be my capital to start off something which might be my very first passive income earner.
This is just a short post as I have quite a lot of office work to catch up but in time to come, I will have money working for me.. and not I working for money. Til my next post, I would like to tell you that after that program, I have come to realize that "You can make MONEY without MONEY!!!" Now isn't that great :).
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Congratulation and all the best!
i am facing a lot of difficulties in my career and looking for way out now...
therefore, i am impress with this article... ;p
hi chenboon. thank you and i am so sorry to hear about your current rough time. is there anyway i could help? perhaps share with you what i have learnt in the course? my email is nypl118@gmail.com. do take care yeah.
So that's where you've been. Congrats!!!
Wah can make money without money? interesting!
Is this the entrepreneur action program?
hi Che-Cheh. Miss reading your blog coz I have been so busy. But will catch up soon :). yeah wor.. i will definitely love to share this but not on the blog lah.. later kena sued heehee. Yup. this is the Entrepreneurs Action Program Boot Camp :D
Hey, way to go, Nancy !!! You can do it !!!
Would love to know more about generating money too!! looking forward to your posts about it!!!
g'morning Christene. Looking forward to having that cuppa with you soon and sharing what I've learnt during the 3 days course. See ya soon :)
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