Open houses means a lot of fun and a lot of food, but nothing beat the 2 "parties" I had over the last few days. The first one was at my friend and teammate, Jeffrey's condo. It was on the 1st day of the Hari Raya celebration. I was invited to give a presentation on the business that we are both in and all the guests present were from the Philippines. In just 3 hours, I got to meet and made friends with more foreigners than I could have done in a year. My current circle of friends largely consists of only local Malaysians and the only foreigners that I have met of late were from across the causeway in Singapore. So, this was really a great time for me.
And then, last night, I went for a "party" which I was invited to attend by a friend also in the business via SMS on the eve of Hari Raya. She just wrote in her SMS that I have been invited to meet up with Richard Tan at Citidel, Mid Valley on Friday at 7:30pm. I had no idea whether this was going to be a dinner or a coffee-session or a full-blown presentation. Anyway, subsequent to receiving the sms, I went to google on Richard Tan and found his personal blog. Quite an interesting blog, I must say. And from his blog, I picked up this little lesson.
"How to Kill Creativity"
Many would not know who Richard is, unless they are in the business or they have been attending seminars organized by Success Resources Pte Ltd. Well, I must say that meeting with a person such as Richard was really my privilege and good fortune. In fact, I have been toying with so many ideas as to how to introduce this man to all of you the entire night and morning after my meeting with him. So, I realize that to do this right, I will have to make the introduction of this man at my "business" blog (haha.. bet some of you didn't know that I have started a 4th blog). If you are interested on who the man is and how he is destined to change many people's life, do hop over to my blog http://successthrulearning. wordpress.com in a while.
One of the reasons why I was so inspired by him is that when he shared his life story with us last night, I see this multi millionaire, who's beginnings in life had been that of a son of migrants from China, a father who was a trishaw puller and mother, a laundry woman, after going through many turbulations in life, became the multi-millionaire that he is today, never once forgotten his humble beginnings and to want to share and teach those who desires to succeed in life. He willing shares his views, his words of wisdom and all of himself to help others succeed.
Now, let me ask you this question, many of your current employers and bosses could be millionaires themselves. How many of you can honestly say that your bosses and employers are willing to make you rich and successful? They are more concerned with how you are going to make them rich. Some could have given motivational talks to the staff, you included. But most of these talks are on how to make you more committed and hardworking and successful.... EMPLOYEES! Am I right or am I right?
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"How many of you can honestly say that your bosses and employers are willing to make you rich and successful?"
Actually it happens in the sales line all the time. When we hire a salesman, we ask, "How much a year would you like to make?" If the answer is "$1 million" then we say okay, if you can bring in $15 million a year you got yourself a deal. Its a one for him, 14 for me thing and I know the more he succeeds the more I succeed so I make sure he succeeds.
But if you're talking about operational people on a fixed salary, then its really about delivering what they've agreed to deliver when they signed up for the job. I doubt many of them signed up for a million-dollar compensation package or would be willing to do what it takes to make a million.
Well put Damien. Thank you :)
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