I am not sure if it was part of Andy's plan to get me back but it was almost a month back when he asked me to do him a favor. He sent me a lovely photo via the MSN Messenger and asked me to comment on it and to give him some suggestions on how to improve the setup.
When I opened up the photo, it was simply lovely. There was no suggestion that I could make to improve on it. And we left it at that.

Last week, I received an invitation via Facebook from Andy to come visit an event that was happening at the Chinese Assembly Hall. This time, the message was clearer. It spoke volumes to me when I looked at the invitation. It was not only from Andy my friend. But it was an invitation from my Kechara family, to come home.

I made up my mind to go on Saturday evening, when I was with my mum and family members. I told them that I will be going to the Chinese Assembly Hall on Sunday morning and I made sure I called them again on Sunday morning to remind them to come.
I arrived at the Hall on Sunday morning at 9:30am and the first persons who greeted me were Maple and her husband Tiki at the registration booth. We hugged across the table and suddenly, time seemed to roll back and it felt like I have always been with them. I believe that it must have been more than a year since I last saw them. But the warmth and sincerity of this couple never dimmed.
As I walked in, I saw them all, Wendy, Florence, Sio Chian, Crystal, James, Wan, Justin, Uncle Lai, Jamie.. and so many more. And all of them seemed to be saying the same thing "It's about time you came home!". It was a joyous occasion for me, that Sunday morning. I am truly back with my Kechara family. On the list of all the other Kechara family members that I have yet to meet and to tell them that I am back, there is this very special, very dear person that has always been in my heart and on my mind... all this time that I have been away.... that I would like to make reverence to, and that is my Root Guru, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. He is currently in India, starting up some projects there. I pray to Lord Setrap, the protector, to clear my obstacles, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and to help me grow each day, and to help me work towards the fruition of my Root Guru's various projects, not only in this lifetime but in all lifetimes to come.

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Nancy would that be Tiki of Tikiworks? If it is, small world isn't it? He would be the president of the business networking circle I was telling you about.
hi Christene, I am afraid not. This Tiki's wife is Maple and they have only one son.
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